The Mountain City of Gundbar | 3D Printable Terrain
Created by Unchained Games
Ready to test your limits and conquer the challenge?
TTRPG multi-floor terrain with a playable interior, Hi-res miniatures, adventure PDF & much more! Pre-order now and join the gradual delivery! You get access to the models 48 hours after you place your order.
View more on Gundbar's project page:
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Latest Updates from Our Project:
Unchained Content Poll#3 - Cast Your Vote!
almost 2 years ago
– Wed, Mar 08, 2023 at 06:06:46 AM
It is Time to Vote!
You can now vote for the third Unchained Content poll by clicking here
This is the third Unchained Content poll, there will be one more poll during this campaign to bring more of your ideas to life!
The third most popular idea will become a Tier I item, the second most voted a Tier II item, and the first most voted a Tier III item. Backers in the 'Gundbar' pledge will receive Tier I items, 'Full Adventure' backers will receive Tier I and II items, and '⚔️ The Ultimate Adventure ⚔️' backers will receive ALLTiers.
New Quest Goal Unlocked!
The Watchtower will have 2 floors + a roof. we will share more visual concepts soon!
Next Update
the next update will be on Monday, in that update we will show
The winning concepts of Unchained Content from poll#2 and poll#3.
Voting for the final poll, #4 will start.
Share more information about the LED light insert idea.
See more of the Watchtower!
A Friends Kickstarter
Ever wondered if you could have a paint station that exactly fit your needs, that looks like you, and that can hold all of your stuff?
Complete, Sturdy, Fully modular and fashionable with the theme you like.
It is also easy to print, Flat on PLA 3D Printers!
With only a few hours left on this campaign, it has already 11 unlocked themes!
The Results of Unchained Content#2
almost 2 years ago
– Mon, Mar 06, 2023 at 08:26:56 AM
The results for poll #2 are in!
The second poll has also closed, and here are the results. Backers were asked to choose their first, second, and third favorite Unchained Content idea. The first choice received 4 points, the second choice received 2 points, and the third choice received 1 point. The results are as follows:
1st place (Tier III Included in: ⚔️) - AncestorsTemple (Room): 168 points
2nd place (Tier II Included in: ⚔️ & 🟢) - Mine Scatter (Room Furniture): 68 points
3rd place (Tier I Included in: ⚔️, 🟢 & 🔵) - GundbarMap (Prop): 67 Points
The Ancestors Temple will be a standalone piece that will also be linkable to the Mountain City!
We also want to thank you for the amazing feedback that we have received regarding adding LED light inserts to the Mountain City model. We will be sharing more information regarding the LED light inserts during the final week!
In the next update, we will kick off the 3rd Unchained Content poll and also show you the concepts of the Mine Scatter and the Map prop!
Cross-promotion with a promising Kickstarter campaign!
Zabavka Workshop launched a great project on Kickstarter - Basing Bits 1.0
By joining this project you will be able to make your miniatures, dioramas and game tables even better and more beautiful.
Join Basing Bits 1.0 on Kickstarter, support their project and help unlock new sets for yourself and your friends!
Unchained Content Poll#2 - Cast Your Vote!
almost 2 years ago
– Thu, Mar 02, 2023 at 09:25:37 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.
Unchained Content and New Pledge Levels with Lots of Added Content!
almost 2 years ago
– Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 08:20:54 AM
You have spoken!
The first poll has closed, and here are the results. Backers were asked to choose their first, second, and third choices. The first choice received 4 points, the second choice received 2 points, and the third choice received 1 point. The results are as follows:
1st place (Tier III Included in: ⚔️) - "Fog of War" (Room covers) : 194 points
2nd place (Tier II Included in: ⚔️ & 🟢) - Outer Defenses (Objects): 177 points
3rd place (Tier I Included in: ⚔️, 🟢 & 🔵) - Traps (Objects): 110 Points
Poll #2 will start on Thursday, and backers will also be asked to vote for their favorite "Fog of War" design (A or B). The version with the most votes will be the final version. Backers will also be asked a couple of questions regarding their preferences for LED lights! We hope that you will help us in the decision-making process for the introduction of LED lights to Gundbar.
Unchained Content is shaping the campaign!
It is great to see that the Unchained Content polls are having such a significant impact on the campaign. One of the bonus additions unlocked through the quest goals is Gundr's Ring. The Ring Prop was one of the Unchained Backers' ideas and is now a part of the campaign!
Another voting poll-inspired quest goal (will be added as a currently locked quest goal) is in the works! A Dwarven Watchtower that will be added to the Mountain City! This model will also be a standalone model that can be used in any tabletop setting and paired with Gundbar's version B! Here is a preview of the first sketch:
Will soon be unlockable through the Quest Goals!
New Pledge Levels!
We have added two new pledge levels to the campaign, Please also read the descriptions of the new pledge levels to see if it is already included in your pledge.
Modular Starter Kit NEW
This starter kit includes 4 outer wall tiles, 10 inner wall tiles, 4 intersection tiles, 2 door tiles, 5 floor tiles, and 7 objects, providing you with a good introduction to the basics of tabletop gaming in the world of Gundbar. These tiles and objects werealready included in the full Make Your Own Gundbar, Variant B package!
Ruins of Gundbar NEW
The Ruins of Gundbar pledge level offers high-quality decorative files that can transform any tabletop setting. With 11 supportless and standalone 3D models inspired by the Mountain City of Gundbar, this level is the perfect addition to your STL files collection. The Ruins of Gundbar files are also included for FREE in ⚔️ The Ultimate Adventure ⚔️ and any commercial pledge levels! This is an added value of 20 EUR to these pledge levels!
We will be back with another update on Thursday. Get ready to cast your vote in the second voting poll!
Unchained Content poll#1 & News about the project!
almost 2 years ago
– Tue, Feb 21, 2023 at 09:02:29 AM
This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.